New Testament Manuscripts
Three classes of Greek Manuscripts = Papyrus, Uncials, and Minuscules
- Papyrus – Date form 2nd to 3rd Centuries
- John Rylands Fragment (P52)
- 117-138 AD
- Earliest known and attested fragment of New Testament
- John 18:31-33, 37-38
- Chester Beatty Papyri (P45,46,47)
- 250 AD
- P45 = The Gospels and Acts
- P46 = Most of Pauls Epistles, Hebrews (Missing Romans, 1 & 2 Thess)
- P47 = Portions of Revelations
- Bodmer Papyri (P66,72,75)
- P66 = Portions of John’s Gospel (200AD)
- P72 = Jude, 1st and 2nd Peter (Earlier 3rd Century)
- P75 = Luke & John (Earliest Known Copy of Luke ) (175-225AD)
2. Uncial Manuscripts
- Written on Vellum & Parchment
- 4th to 9th Century AD
- 297 Manuscripts
- Manuscripts Aleph, B, A, & C not available to KJV Translators only D was available
- Codex Vaticanus
- Codex Sinaiticus
- Codex Alexandrinus
- Ephraemi Rescriptus Codex
- Codex Bezae
- Codex Claromontanus
- Codex Washingtonianus I
3. Minuscle Manuscripts (9th to 15th Centuries)
- Over 4,643 manuscripts in all
- 1,997 as lectionaries (early church service books)