The greatest question ever asked is, “Who is Jesus Christ.” As a new believer, He lives in you but you still have a lot to learn. Refer to “Immersing Yourself in the Gospel” to see one of the ways this is done.
As a new believer, you need to understand that there are false Christ’s, false doctrines, and false Gospels. What I wish to do here is give you the basics to Christ that will help protect you from the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
  1. Jesus Christ is God incarnate (John 8:58; Exod 3:14)
  2. Jesus is NOT the Father (John 10:36; 17:1-3)
  3. Jesus is NOT the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1; Matthew 4:1; John 16:13-16))
  4. He is the second Person of the Trinity (the Son) (Hebrew 1:8; Matthew 28:16)
  5. Jesus is the ONLY WAY to the Father (John 2:19-22; 14:6)
  6. Jesus has Two Natures: Divine and Human (The Hypostatic Union) (John 1:1-14)
  7. Jesus is Fully Man and Fully God. The God-Man (Colossians 2:9)
If someone is professing Christ, you need to ask them to define Him. You will be surprised just how cunning the Devil can be.