Every cult that calls themselves Christian will reject the Trinity so you better become a little acquainted with it. There are a couple of things you need to know about the Trinity:

  1. As a human being, you will not be able to fully grasp it. That is because you are not God, you have limited understanding, and limited knowledge.

  2. The Trinity is not the belief in 3 separate Gods. That would be polytheism and that is a heresy. Christianity is Monotheistic. The belief in only one Deity. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness believe in multiple deities, hence they are polytheistic and reject the Trinity

  3. There are many different analogies for the Trinity but they will all fall short in some way because of point number 1.

  4. No where in the Bible is the word “Trinity” used, but it is logically inferred. Meaning, if Jesus is God (John 8:58), the Father is God (Philippians 1:2), and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4) and there is only 1 God (Duet. 6:4), the name coined for this union is “Trinity.”

  5. Many of the cults will try to argue that the Trinity was made up at the Council of Nicea at 325 AD but this is simply untrue because if you read the Ante Nicean Church Fathers, you will see them referencing the Father being God, the Son being God, and the Holy Spirit being God.

  6. The Father is not the same person as the Son. The Son is not the same person as the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is not the same person as Father.

  7. Do not let yourself get overwhelmed with trying to understand the Trinty. There is a lot of good literature out there for you to read when you are ready. You don’t want to be consumed with try to understand its complexities because the more you try to define it, the more you take away from its glory.

  8. The Trinity is 3 Persons, 1 Being. 3 Who’s 1 What.

For Videos explaining the Trinity, please click on the following links:







For Articles on the Trinity, please click on the following links:






For Books on the Trinity, please read the following:

“The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead” by Chuck Missler

“Our God is Triune” by Michael R Burgos Jr.