When you become a Christian, you are going to want to scream it from the roof tops, and this is a good thing, but spending a year on Tiktok has taught me some things regarding this. On certain social media platforms, you can go LIVE or just post status updates, but what I kept running into was new believers going Live and then letting Atheists join there LIVE video. When the Atheist would join, he would “shotgun” the baby believer with criticisms of Christianity and the Bible and the baby believer would be left speechless. By the end of the LIVE, Christianity looked like a joke. This is something you have to be careful of. It is good to give your testimony, no one is saying not to give your testimony, but it is a very personal thing and should be shared with those you know are receptive and not hostile. A hostile unbeliever is looking for any opportunity to attack the faith, so you have to be careful not to give them that opportunity. It is for this reason I highly encourage new believers who want to share their faith, to do so accompanied with a veteran believer. Christ sent the disciples out 2 by 2 (Luke 9:1-2).

       Another very important reason to stay away from Social Media is because it will sometimes become a tool for gathering information regarding the faith and a substitute for actual fellowship. Allow me to explain. Social Media gives a equal platform for everyone. Think of it as a pulpit. This means sound teachers and false teachers can be speaking from the same pulpit. As a new believer, you don't know what to look out for. You are more susceptible to succumb to twisted interpretation and false doctrine. Also, it is easy to create an echo chamber where you pick and choose what you want to listen to and believe and then you end up Leaning On Your Own Understanding. Social media is never a substitute for actual fellowship. It has characteristics of fellowship but not the real thing. Click here to read about Fellowship.