False Christs

“And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.”

- Matthew 24:23–24

"I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,  which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."

- Galatians 1:6-8

         The Scriptures warn us that there will be false Christs. In this section, we have compiled a list of non-Christian religions and their beliefs about Jesus. For the Orthodox Christian definition of Jesus Christ, please see the introduction to "The Deity of Christ."

Jehovahs Witness 

  • Before Christ came to earth, He was a spirit creature, Michael the Archangel 
  • Jesus was created by God
  • Jesus became the Messiah at Baptism 
  • Jesus is a sub-god 
  • Jesus is not eternal
  • Jesus rose from the dead as a Spirit


  • Jesus wasn't born of a Virgin
  • Jesus is brothers with Lucifer
  • Jesus was the first spirit born in heaven
  • Jesus is another god
  • Jesus doesn't save you 

Christian Science

  • Jesus didn't really die on the cross
  • Jesus was not God
  • Jesus did not atone us by the shedding of His blood
  • Jesus was not the Christ
  • Jesus did not reflect the fullness of God


  • Jesus was just a man, not divine
  • Jesus was not raised from the dead
  • Jesus was supposed to form the perfect marriage on earth

Torah Observers / Judiazers

  • Some reject Jesus as being YHWH (God)
  • Jesus did not save us from our sins, we need to follow the Law


  • Jesus was one of many gods
  • Jesus was only a Wiseman and Holy


  • Jesus was only a prophet and wise teacher
  • Jesus did not die on the cross... He was not crucified
  • Jesus did not rise from the dead
  • Jesus is not God


  • Jesus is merely a manifestation of God
  • Jesus only resurrected spiritually 


  • Jesus was just an enlightened man
  • Jesus was just a Holy Man
  • Jesus was not God

New Age Movement

  • Jesus is a Christ, not the Christ
  • Jesus is not God
  • Jesus is a man who completed a process of "spiritual evolution" over successive generations of reincarnation


  • Jesus is not God
  • Jesus was not born of a virgin
  • Jesus did not resurrect from the dead
  • Jesus was not the messiah


  • Jesus was a good teacher
  • Jesus couldnt die for our sins

Black Hebrew Israelites

  • They do not know who the Messiah is
  • Jesus was not God 
  • Jesus was not the Son of God


  • Jesus is one of many ways to heaven
  • Jesus is basically a good moral teacher
  • Reject Jesus' view of Hell

Church of Christ International

  • Jesus is not the only way to be saved, you have to be baptized, but in order to be baptized, you have to join their cult

Emergent Church

  • Reject Jesus' view of Hell
  • Jesus is not the only way to heaven
  • Jesus is more like a good moral teacher

Unity School of Christianity

  • Jesus is not God
  • Jesus is not part of the Trinity
  • Jesus cannot save you 

The Way International

  • Jesus does not save you 
  • Jesus is not God