Stolen Body Theory


  • Jesus' Resurrection was faked. His disciples remembered Him saying that He would raise again so they stole his body to make it look like His prophecy came true. Then they lied about seeing Him.


The Disciples would have to concoct an elaborate plan:

1. Would have had to obtained and disposed of Christ's body without having any hostile witnesses seeing them do this

2.  The Disciples would have had to bribe the guards 

3. Several people would have to carry the body 

4. The plan would have to include other people outside of their circle so as to not be accused of biased

5. The Disciples would have to convince a lot of people to go against the Jewish religious leaders and this would escalate tension with the Romans

6. Stealing the body would be in the direct contradiction to what Jesus had taught 

7. They would have had to plan on converting Paul, one of the greatest opponents of the Christian religion