Prophecies Fulfilled by Christ


  1. Would be Called Emmanuel = Isaiah 7:14 / Matthew 1:23

  2. Born in Bethlehem = Micah 5:2 / Matthew 2:5,6; Luke 2:4,5

  3. Worship by Wisemen and Presented with Gifts = Psalm 72:10; Isaiah 60:3,6,9 / Matt. 2:11

  4. Would be in Egypt for a Season = Num. 24:8; Hos. 11:1 / Matt. 2:13

  5. Birthplace Would Suffer Child Massacre = Jer. 31:15 / Matt. 2:16-18

  6. Called a Nazarene = Isa. 11:1 / Matt. 2:23

  7. From House of David = 2 Sam. 7:12,13 / Luke 1:31-33; Rom. 1:3

  8. Born of a Virgin = Isa. 7:14 / Matt. 1:22,23

  9. John the Baptist Forerunner = Isa. 40:3-5; Mal 3:1 / Matt. 3:1-3; Luke 1:76-78; 3:3-6

  10. Zealous for Father = Psalm 69:9; 119:139 / John 2:17

  11. Filled with God’s Spirit = Psalm 45:7; Isa 11:2; 61:1,2 / Mark 1:1-10; John 3:34

  12. Would Heal Many = Isa. 53:4,5 / Matt. 8:16,17

  13. Speak in Parables = Isa. 6:9,10 / Matt. 13:10-15

  14. Man of Sorrows = Isa. 53:3 / Matt. 26:37,38

  15. Rejected by His Own = Psa. 69:8; Isa. 53:3 / John 1:11; 7:5

  16. The Rejected Cornerstone = Psa. 118:22,23 / Matt. 21:42

  17. Miracles Would Not Be Believed = Isaiah 53:1 / John 12:37,38

  18. Forsaken by Disciples = Zechariah 13:7 / Matt. 26:31,56

  19. Betrayed for 30 Pieces of Silver = Ps. 41:9; 55:12-14; Zech 11:12,13 / Matt. 26:14-16, 21-25

  20. 30 Pieces of Silver & Potters Field = Zech. 11:12

  21. Would Be Scourged and Spat On = Isa. 50:6 / Matt. 26:67; 27:36

  22. Crucified Between 2 Thieves = Isa. 53:12 / Matt. 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 22:37

  23. Vinegar to Drink = Psalm 69:21 / Matt. 27:34,38; John 19:28-30

  24. Would Thirst = Psalm 22:15 / John 19:28

  25. Surrounded and Ridiculed by Enemies = Psalm 22:7,8 / Matt. 27:39-44; Mark 15:29-32

  26. Piercing of Hand and Feet = Psalms 22:16; Zech. 12:10 / Mark 15:25; John 19:34,37; 20:25-27

  27. Garments Parted and Gambled = Psalms 22:18 / Luke 23:34; John 19:23,24

  28. Die at the End of 69th Week = Daniel 9:24-27 / John 13:1; 17:1; 12:23

  29. Commend Spirit to His Father = Psalms 31:5 / Luke 23:46

  30. Bones Not to be Broken = Exod 12:46; Numb 9:12; Psalms 34:20 / John 19:33-36