The Second Coming

"For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."
Matthew 24:44

The Second Coming will be a Literal, Physical, Bodily Return of Jesus Christ

Before we can talk about the Second Coming of Christ, we must first define what happened in the First Coming of Christ.

First Coming of Christ

  • Jesus came to earth as a baby in a manger 
  • Jesus fulfilled many prophecies as the Messiah at His birth, during His life ministrty, at His death and resurrection
  • Jesus came as a suffering servant

Second Coming of Christ

  • Jesus wil come a conquering King
  • Jesus will return visibly
  • Jesus will fulfill the rest of the prophecies yet to be fulfilled
  • Jesus will fulfill the role of Israel deliverer and King (Zechariah 12:10 and Rev. 1:7) 
  • After Jesus ascended into Heaven, angels declared that Jesus would return the same way He left (Acts 1:11)
  • No one knows the day or hour He will return 

Words Associated with the Second Coming

  1. Revelation:
    The last book of the New Testament written by the Apostle John written between 90-95 AD. It is Apocalyptic literature.


  2. Eschatology:
    The study of the teachings in the Bible concerning the end times or of the period of time dealing with the return of Christ and the events that follow. Eschatological subjects include the Resurrection, the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Millennium, the Binding of Satan, the Three Witnesses, the Final Judgment, Armageddon, and The New Heavens and the New Earth. In the New Testament, eschatological chapters include Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 17, and 2 Thess. 2. In one form or another most of the books of the Bible deal with end-times subjects. But some that are more prominently eschatological are Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Joel, Zechariah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, 2 Thessalonians, and, of course, Revelation.


  3. Millenial Kingdom:
    Refers to 1,000 years. In the study of end-time doctrines (eschatology), the millennium is the period of time of Christ‘s rulership. The debate has been over when the millennium will take place and what form will it actually be. The terms that have arisen out of this debate are premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism.


  4. Amillenialism:
    The teaching that there is no literal 1,000-year reign of Christ as referenced in Revelation 20. It sees the 1,000-year period spoken of in Revelation 20 as figurative. Instead, it teaches that we are in the millennium now and that at the return of Christ (1 Thess. 4:16-5:2) there will be the final judgment; and the heavens and the earth will then be destroyed and remade (2 Pet. 3:10). The Amillennial view is as old as the Premillennial view which says there is a future 1,000-years reign of Christ and Postmillennialism which states that in the future the world will be converted, and we will usher in the kingdom of God.


  5. Postmillenialism:
    Teaches that through the preaching of the Word of God the world will be converted and will then usher in Christ and the kingdom of God.


  6. Premillenialism:
    Teaches that the millennium is yet future and that upon Christ’s return He will set up His earthly kingdom.


  7. Dispensationalism:
    An approach to biblical interpretation which states that God uses different means of administering His will to people during different periods of history, usually seven chronologically successive periods. It attempts a literal interpretation of Scripture with a premillennial and pre-tribulation rapture view. It sees Israel and the church as distinct bodies.


  8. Rapture:
    The rapture is an eschatological (end times) event whereupon the return of Christ the true believers who are “alive and remain shall be caught up together with them [those who already died as Christians] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air . . . ” (1 Thess. 4:17). This is the time of the resurrection where the Christian receives his resurrected body. First to receive their new bodies are those who have died as Christians and then “those who are alive and remain.”


  9. New Heaven and New Earth:
    This new earth and new heavens are sometimes referred to as the “eternal state.” As seen in Revelation chapters 21-22, the new earth will be the eternal dwelling place of believers in Jesus Christ. Scripture gives us a few details of the new heavens and new earth.


  10. Tribulation:
    According to premillennialism, this is a seven-year period that immediately precedes the return of Christ and the millennial kingdom of His rule which lasts for 1,000 years. It will be a time of great peace (the first 3 years) and great war (the second 3 years) when the Antichrist rules over many nations.
    At the midpoint of the tribulation (at the end of the first 3 years), the Antichrist will proclaim himself worthy of worship. Many will bow down and worship the Antichrist, and many will refuse. Those who refuse to worship the Antichrist will be killed. The second half of the tribulation is called the Great Tribulation. It will involve the whole world (Rev. 3:10). There will be catastrophes all over the world. (See Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 17).


  11. Pre-Tribulation: 
    The belief that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation


  12. Post-Tribulation:
    The belief that the Rapture will occur after the Tribulation


  13. Mid-Tribulation: 
    The belief that the Rapture will occur in the middle of the Tribulation


  14. Antichrist
    An Antichrist is a figure who opposes God.  The word is used to describe a spirit of rebellion against God, ” . . . the spirit of the Antichrist . . . ” (1 John 4:3) and of a specific future person identified as the man of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:3). He actively opposes Christ (2 Thess. 2:4); and when he arrives, he will be able to perform miracles (2 Thess. 2:9). Some believe he will be an incarnation of Satan and as such will be able to deceive many. His number is 666 (Rev. 13:18). A further possible description of him might be found in Zech. 11:15-17.


  15. The Beast:
    The book of Revelation contains an apocalyptic vision of two beasts emerging from the sea and land to take control of the world. It’s in this vision (in Revelation 13) that the image of the beast is first mentioned.
    The first beast is a ten-horned, seven-headed monstrosity empowered and given authority by a dragon (Revelation 13:1–2). One of the heads is mortally wounded but is healed (verse 3). The beast is blasphemous against God and actively persecutes God’s people on earth (verses 5–7). It not only rules the world but receives the worship of the world’s inhabitants (verses 4, 7–8). The first beast is a symbolic picture of the Antichrist, and the dragon is Satan (cf. Revelation 12:9).
    The second beast is a two-horned, deceptively benign creature that shares authority with the first beast (Revelation 13:11–12). The task of the second beast is to cause everyone to worship the first beast. As the second beast deceives the world with miracles, it orders that everyone “set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived” (verse 14). It also requires that everyone receive the mark of the beast in their forehead or right hand (verses 16–17). The second beast is a symbolic picture of the false prophet.


  16. Armageddon:
    Armageddon (lit. har ‘mount’ and ‘Megiddo’) is the location of the final great battle between good and evil called the Great Day of God Almighty. The word “armageddon” only occurs in Rev. 16:16. It is also spelled Harmagedon. Many armies will gather there from all over–possibly, China, Iran, Iraq, Russia, and more.
    Megiddo is located between Mt. Carmel and Mt. Gilboa and about 15 x 15 x 20 miles. It is a large flat area.