Rebuttal to God is a Moral Monster

The Argument is as follows:


The Christian God is a moral monster. Countless times he murders innocent people like in the global flood and the destruction of specific civilizations. He should not be worshipped because of His immoral actions.

(At this point you have two main options. (1) You can address every example the atheist provides in defense of his case. (2) You can attack his arguments on the grounds that they are straw-manning the Christian God. And this is the rebuttal I am putting forth.)                                                


A few questions I would like to ask in response to the accusations you have made. Exactly what God are you talking about?


I am talking about the Christian God of the Bible.


Where do you get your information about the Christian God?


From the Bible


What are the attributes of the Christian God of the Bible?


He is supposed to be All-Knowing, all-powerful, Love, Just... and if He actually is all of these things, how could He have killed innocent women and children? The answer is because He is not those things, hence an immoral monster.


Hold your horses. So the God of the Bible, that you have presupposed to make this argument, is a moral monster because he contradicts the attributes laid forth by you, found within the Bible...right?


Yes. He is completely immoral because He is supposed to be all-powerful and all-knowing and yet he kills the innocent.


The only problem with your criticism is that you are presupposing the Christian God and the authority of Scripture to make your case.


I can critique the Christian God without Him actually existing and with the Bible actually being His Word. What are you getting at?


I am not saying that God has to exist for you to make your arguments. On the contrary. I am saying that you are presupposing His existence but you are only doing so partially. You have selected only certain attributes that He has in order to substantiate your claims, but you have not presupposed all of them. You have Straw-manned God.


What do you mean. The God of the Bible is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Just, Love, and a murderer.


No. There are two key attributes from Scripture that you have purposely left out because by acknowledging them, you have no argument.


What are the two attributes that I am neglecting to mention?


Along with being Omnipotent and Omniscient and Love and Just. God is beyond man's comprehension and His ways are not man's ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9, Deut. 29:29, 1 Corinthians 2:11, Job 36:26) By Acknowledging these two attributes, you must admit that man is incapable of judging the actions of God as you do with your claims.


Well, then I reject those two attributes


Then you are not talking about the Christian God.