As a new believer, you need to understand that the Bible is God’s Inspired Inerrant Word. I am not going to make a defense for its Inerrancy here, but you can click on this link if you want more information on that. As a new believer, you need to test everything with Scripture, but just as I stated in my previous point on “Not leaning on your own understanding,” you need to be in fellowship with other believers before you go trying to understand Scripture on your own. The Bible is Infallible but that doesn’t mean you are. You are still human who can make mistakes. The art of interpreting Scripture is called Hermeneutics. There are two main approaches two Biblical interpretation: Exegesis and Eisegesis. Exegesis is the correct way of interpretation because it is when you let Scripture interpret itself. Eisegesis is when you interpret Scripture in such a way that it says what you want it to say rather than letting it speak for itself.

Here are some brief definitions that you will run into when studying Scripture, but I go further in depth under the Category of The Bible:

  1. Inspiration

The inspiration of the Bible and the concepts just mentioned refer only to the initial “breathing” of God upon the authors of Scripture to produce a copy of His thoughts for man.

  1. Inerrancy

The absence of error

  1. Infallibility

The incapability of having error

  1. Canonicity

In order for specific books to be considered Scripture, they had to meet a certain standard

  1. Commentaries

These are books written by theologians where they write their comments regarding certain passages to help readers understand more clearly. Not all commentaries are written by Christians

  1. Hermeneutics

      • The science of Interpretation. Two main forms of Interpretation: Exegesis and Eisegesis

      • Exegesis: letting Scripture interpret itself (Correct form of Interpretation)

      • Eisegesis: reading into Scripture what you want it to say (Incorrect form of Interpretation)

Here are some things you need to consider when wielding Scripture:

  1. Test every supposed “truth” with Scripture. If they say one thing and Scripture says something different, you go with Scripture because it is God’s Word.

  2. There are many different versions and translations of the Bible and most of them are ok, the ones you want to stay away from are New World Translation (it’s a false scripture twisted by the Jehovah’s Witness) and The Message.

  3. As a new believer, I would recommend getting the New International Version (NIV) or the New Living Translations (NLT). I highly recommend getting the New Believers Bible NLT.

  4. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing who will utilize Scripture to lead people astray and to even deceive believers.

  5. The first thing the Devil did was take what God said and twist it (Genesis 3).