Remember this…You are a new believer in the faith. You are born again. It is no longer you who lives but Christ who lives through you. Christ is your Rabbi, Teacher, standard, Master, King, etc. Your allegiance and obedience is to Christ and His Word above all else. Staying true to Christ and His Word comes before the church you attend, before your Pastor, mentor, before your favorite apologist or Theologian. Some Christians will get caught up in the here and now and will forget that everything in life is to be tested against Scripture and Christ, not vice versa. You are to be obedient to Christ above all us. You are to be faithful to Christ above all else. So if you favorite pastor, theologian, apologist, scholar, Bible study leader, Sunday School teacher, says something that does not correlate with Scripture, you not only reject what they say, you are called to confront them on it. YOU have the authority to do so because that authority comes from the Holy Spirit, but you better be right and seek wise council.