The Spear of Phineus started when I had saw the condition of the Church of America. In every level of the church, she has been infiltrated with compromise and liberal philosophy. I am not talking about politics, strictly theology, beliefs and actions within the body of Christ. Please refer to “The Story of Phinehas” to see as to why I chose him as the mascot for this group. As I investigated the many levels of compromise, I was eventually led to tiktok where a new adversary had arisen…the Deconstructionists.

     The Deconstructionists use purely emotional arguments and are void of logic and reason when attacking the faith. They believe they have authority to speak on the faith because they truly believe they were once Christian. All one needs to do is hear some of their arguments to realize this is not the case.

     They are individuals who grew up in the church but had no theological background. They never knew what they believed and if they did know what they believed, they didn’t know why they believed it.

     That is when I realized that the new believers and the youth are not being reached.

     My mission is to teach the new believers and youth what we as Christians believe…why we believe it…and how to exegete scripture properly and defend the faith effectively. And yet, their may be those who aren't new believers but are mature in the faith but lack the knowledge and ability to defend the faith. More and more believers have a desire to be more serious in their walk with the Lord and know not where to go in this time of misinformation. It is my hope that this website may be used as a tool for such individuals.