One of the biggest problems the church faces today is that new believers don’t see the importance in mentorship. They don’t understand why they need to be mentored when they come to the faith. You are born again so you need to learn how to walk and how to talk. There are many false teachings outside and inside the church, so you need to be mentored by someone who is mature in the faith. You may be asking, how do I find a mentor? Well, the answer to that is simply through fellowship. One of the reasons fellowshipping with believers is so important is that you will be exposed to others who are also filled with the Holy Spirit and who have different callings. You won’t find someone to mentor you by secluding yourself from other Christians. My mentors have been my father, Dr. Walter Martin, Norman Geisler, Rev. Ray Vander Laan. You also have to be able to figure out if someone is actually mentor material. You accomplish this by doing the following:


  1. Get plugged into a congregation. Meet fellow believers who are also filled with the Holy Spirit.
  2. Tell your brothers and sisters of the faith that you are a new believer and that you want to be mentored.
  3. A mentor should be someone who is mature in the faith and has a reputation as such. They need to be above reproach, like a pastor. Some people are called to be pastors and some are called to be mentors.
  4. You need to make sure they believe in all the Essentials of the Christian faith. Don’t be afraid to test them.
  5. They need to believe Scripture is the Inerrant Word of God. That Scripture is the measuring rod for truth. If they don’t highly esteem Scripture, then find someone else.
  6. You have to be humble. By acknowledging that you need a mentor, you are admitting that you don’t know everything and that you need guidance. That’s good. If you can’t do this, then you are on the path of leaning on your own understanding and may fall pray to false doctrine or even heresy.