To My Dear Brother or Sister in the Faith,

    You were blind and now you see (John 9:25). What a joy it is to know Christ and have Him as your Lord and Savior. You may have simply stumbled upon this letter, or you were referred to it by another believer, whatever it may be, what I have to say here is of the utmost importance. We are in a Spiritual War and in some places the Church has been infiltrated. I have been called to find new believers such as yourself and point them in the right direction by not just telling them what they should focus on, but what to be aware of. The Devil truly roams around like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8).

    We are living in a time where Scripture is becoming more mythologized and believers are falling prey to false teachers who say what their itching ears desire to hear (2 Timothy 4:3). What you must do is have faith and allow the Holy Spirit to water the spiritual seeds that have been planted in you so that your roots may take hold and you can produce good fruit (Matthew 13:19-30; Colossians 1:10).

    I have been a believer for over 20 years and throughout these years I have compiled a list of instructions to help guide new believers as yourself. I would have given anything for this list when I first started my journey, but here we are. Please, my dear reader, go through these instructions and stay vigilant as the spiritual war presses forward and this age of misinformation grows more and more prevalent.

Love, Your Brother in the Faith,
