The Davinci Code


          The DaVinci Code is a book written by Dan Brown in 2004. It is a fictional book that became an all time best seller. I would be lying if I said it was not a fun and thrilling book, but with ignorance of what the canonization of Scripture actually entailed, numerous people believed what was supposed to be considered fiction. I remember sitting in my art history class when the professor took a copy of the book and used it as a door stop.

        The book claims that in the Davinci painting, the Last Supper, there was a deeper meaning which revealed that the disciple to Christ’s right, was not the apostle John, but in fact Mary Magdalen. It didn’t stop there, it claimed that Mary was actually the wife of Jesus, that they had a child and that His bloodline was preserved and carried thought the centuries.

       There are numerous claims made in the book and for an extensive refutation, please refer to the following sources:




  1. The Da Vinci Code: A Quest for Answers by josh McDowell
  2. Breaking the Da Vinci Code: by Darrel L Brock
  3. The Da Vinci Deception by Erwin W Lutzer


For the time being, we are going to focus on just one claim that is the cornerstone for the rejection of what Orthodox Christianity believes.


Quote form the Book:

“The Bible is a man made book that has evolved through countless translations, additions, and revisions with over 80 other gospels purposely left out and was compiled at the Council of Nicea under the command of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great” p. 231


Rebuttal #1:

The Bible is translated from copies of original documents, which has been static since before the Council of Nicea.


Rebuttal #2:

The Old Testament was compiled and known as the inspired word of God long before the Christian church was ever established


Rebuttal #3:

The New Testament documents were written by eye witnesses of Jesus’ ministry or under the direction of those who were


Rebuttal #4:

It is true that the Christians were under Roman Rule but that did not prevent them from knowing which documents were penned by the apostles and which were forgeries


For more on the Canonization of Scripture, please click here