The Telephone Game Argument


It is impossible for the Bible to be the perfect, inerrant, Word of God because it has been translated and re-translated...copied and re-copied, for over 2,000 years. Remember playing the Telephone Game when you were a kid? Everyone would stand in a line. The first person would think of a sentencethen whisper it in the next persons ear. That person, the second, would then turn to the third person and whisper the sentence into their ear. This would go on and on, the more people the better, and once it got to the last person, they would say the sentence out loud and it will be nothing like the original sentence. This is the perfect metaphor for how the Bible, through time, cannot be what it originally was. It has been passed down too many times.


If this argument was valid, than if we were to take the oldest manuscripts of the Bible that we have, and compare them to what we have today, they should be incredibly different. And yet, when we do this, we discover that the accuracy is 98.5%. The differences are spelling error and word omissions like "the," "but," etc. This completely refutes the Telephone Argument. Even more so, we have thousands of copies and manuscripts that actually disqualifies the Bible from playing the Telephone Game altogether because unlike the game... person #4 is able to go back to person #2for clarification.